How I Scored 3600 in UCAT with a UCAT Question Bank and a UCAT Tutor
Hi there, my name is Kunal and today I’m going to tell you how I scored 3600 (Maximum Score) in the UCAT using UCAT Questions, a UCAT Tutor and lots of UCAT practice!
I’m currently a 6th Year Medical Student at UCL, and it is absolutely brilliant. The opportunities you get at university, both socially and in terms of Medicine as a course, make it the most exciting time of your life.
That is why your UCAT revision now is so worth it.
I used to panic about the UCAT every day leading up to it, just like most students. I somehow managed to score 900 in four sections of the UCAT.
Some of this is definitely down to luck, of course. But when I sat my UCAT I had come leaps and bounds from when I first started. I felt as if I had “worked out” the exam.
Using the right resources – UCAT Question Bank, a UCAT Tutor and working hard I managed to get there. Using certain techniques an impossible exam soon turned very manageable and almost, dare I say it, enjoyable.
There are so many shortcuts in the UCAT:
- In VR you can often answer based on just the type of language in the question.
- In DM technique is more important than ever.
- With QR there are tricks to speed up your use of the UCAT calculator.
- In AR there are 12 key triggers to spot certain patterns.
- When it comes to SJT make sure you don’t fall into common traps they set.
What UCAT resources did I use?
Everyone uses different revision material. Some students go on 3 different courses. Some students just use UCAT Questions. I personally used three things: the official UCAT) questions, a UCAT question bank, and a UCAT tutor.
UCAT Tutor
I was reluctant to use a UCAT tutor at first. I mean everyone says that you can’t revise for the UCAT can you? To begin with it was more to help me sit down and collate my progress continually, but I found it much more useful than I could imagine.
My advice is to be very careful about who you pick. I went through 3 tutors before finding the right one. Many can just be inexperienced university students tutoring in their breaks, whilst others can be teachers or even full time tutors.
What are my top tips?
Do the UCAT Test before you go back to school.
I was always tempted to delay my UCAT, especially as it grew closer. One of my friends had pushed it back 4 times believe it or not. Personally, July is the best time. Give yourself maximum time to revise.
Get used to the UCAT test conditions
So many candidates go in unprepared. You can’t highlight Verbal Reasoning passages like you can in a book. As well as this, you haven’t got a scientific calculator. Don’t forget you only get a whiteboard, an on screen calculator, and a small stuffy room. Practice doing a 2 hour test in your local library to get used to the conditions.
If you are using the Medic Mind Question Bank, you’ll be able to try out the flagging function, UCAT Calculator, UCATSEN and other realistic timing features. The official UCAT bank also has this, as do other question banks such as Medify (although these other banks often vary significantly in how realistic they are!).
Don’t neglect UCAT theory.
UCAT Questions are invaluable, yes, but without proper theory you really are limiting yourself. I improved initially by just doing 100 UCAT questions per day. But I soon stagnated.
Working with my tutor and reading around, I started to actually break down my technique. Step by step. For example, for Verbal Reasoning statement questions, do you look at the statements in a random order and always run out of time?
Well you are wasting your time! You can look at certain factors such as ‘Extreme Language’ to make your life 100x easier (see my free Youtube Tutorials below)
Focus on timing from the beginning.
Time is marks in the UCAT. So your approach needs to be time efficient. You need to work on timing from the get-go, because otherwise you will be in for a real shock further down the line.
Don’t panic if you do badly
If you do well, congratulations and well done. If you do badly, then do not panic. Apply to universities which focus less on UCAT. Take a look at our scores guide and which universities may be best for each score here.
Final Note
Those are some of my tips in a nutshell. As I said above, for the section by section techniques try our UCAT Online Course or our 1-1 UCAT tutoring – which most UCAT students tend to go for.
Try UCAT Tutoring today:
UCAT Tutoring
I know it might feel like you are not improving. But do not panic. You will get there with practice. But make sure you are using the correct techniques – it has to be quality practice. I wish you the best of luck.
Kunal Dasani
Frequently Asked Question
→What is the UCAT?
The UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) is a computer-based test used in the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand to assess aptitude and skills required for a career in medicine and dentistry.
→What is a UCAT tutor?
A UCAT tutor is an experienced professional who provides one-on-one coaching to help candidates prepare for the UCAT exam. A tutor can provide personalized guidance, feedback, and strategies to improve test-taking skills and achieve a higher score.
→What is a UCAT question bank?
A UCAT question bank is a collection of practice questions that are designed to simulate the types of questions that appear on the UCAT exam. These question banks are available online and can be used to improve a student’s UCAT score by providing them with targeted practice.
→How can a UCAT question bank and tutor help me score higher on the UCAT?
A UCAT question bank and tutor can help candidates identify their strengths and weaknesses, provide targeted practice, and develop effective test-taking strategies. The question bank can help candidates become familiar with the types of questions and format of the exam, while a tutor can provide personalized guidance and feedback to help candidates improve their skills.
→How much time should I devote to UCAT preparation?
The amount of time needed to prepare for the UCAT varies by individual, but most candidates spend several months preparing. It is recommended to begin preparing at least three to six months before the exam date.
→What other resources are available for UCAT preparation?
In addition to a UCAT question bank and tutor, there are many other resources available for UCAT preparation, including practice exams, study guides, online courses, and UCAT preparation books. Candidates should explore multiple resources to find the ones that work best for them.
→How can a UCAT question bank and a UCAT tutor help me to improve my UCAT score?
A UCAT question bank and a UCAT tutor can help you to improve your UCAT score by providing you with targeted practice and personalized feedback. The question bank can help you to identify your weaknesses and provide you with practice questions that will help you to improve your skills. The tutor can provide you with personalized feedback on your performance and help you to develop a study plan that is tailored to your individual needs.
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Personalised lessons and regular progress updates to support you in acing the UCAT
With over 1000 questions, mock paper walkthroughs, timing tips, and more!
Live day, packed full of UCAT advice and tips from the experts. Taking you through all UCAT sections with worked examples