University of Queensland Medicine Interview Questions

The University of Queensland is over a century old, founded in 1909, and ranks in the top 50 universities worldwide. The University of Queensland Medical School offers a provisional (school leavers’) route and a postgraduate entry route, with a wide range of clinical experience across teaching hospitals and general practice.  

The interview at the University of Queensland takes the format of 8 MMI stations, assessing teamwork, empathy, resolving conflict, and knowledge of current issues in the field. 

In this guide, we provide expert insight into past Queensland medicine interview questions, the Queensland Medicine interview day, and tips for converting your Queensland Medicine Interview into an offer! If you’re interested in getting a head start, keep reading.

What is the University of Queensland Medicine Interview style?

The medicine interview at Queensland takes the format of 8 MMI stations, each lasting around 9 minutes.

Questions will assess your motivation for studying medicine, how you would respond to different scenarios, your understanding of relevant current affairs and debates, and your ability to work with others. 

When are the University of Queensland Medicine Interviews held?

Interviews for the 2023 intake, for the Doctor of Medicine course, will vary depending on if you are a provisional (school leavers’) applicant or a graduate applicant. The process to apply will also vary. 

For more information on the application process and important dates for both entry routes, visit this page

What are some common topics covered in the Queensland Medicine Interview?

  • Motivation for Medicine
  • Teamwork 
  • Problem solving 
  • Conflict resolution
  • Application of ethics to given scenarios
  • An understanding of the Australian healthcare system, including rural and Indigenous health

To learn more about the University of Queensland Medicine course in general, have a look at their official page: University of Queensland | Doctor of Medicine

If you wish to practice Queensland Medicine Interview mocks, here are some sample questions:

  • How would you overcome conflict while working in a team?
  • You are a doctor and a patient is looking online at medications. How would you respond? What is the importance of eHealth?
  • A patient is requesting a particular medication. What do you do?

Insider Guide: A Queensland Medicine Student’s Perspective 

University of Queensland Medicine Interview Day

*The information below is based on the experience of a current Queensland medical student who undertook a remote interview in 2020. 

How does the University of Queensland Medicine Interview Day work?

For the 2023 intake, it is yet to be confirmed if interviews will be in person or online. In 2020, interviews took place remotely online and MMI stations were facilitated using breakout rooms. Candidates are briefed on the interview process and there will be a period of waiting before interviews begin. 

What do you have to bring for the Queensland Medicine Interview?

Any materials that you need to bring and the dress code should be specified in your interview offer.

Does the Queensland Medicine interview require any pre-reading?

You may be asked to read some scenarios for the scenario-based questions in the interview. You should consider what the most important takeaways are as you are reading, as well as how you might answer the question. 

What are the University of Queensland MMI examiners like?

The University of Queensland Medicine examiners are typically friendly and will try to put you at ease with some small talk before the interview. 

Do the University of Queensland interviewers ask a lot of follow up questions?

The University of Queensland Medicine examiners may ask a few follow up questions to get a bit more detail from your answer. Other than these follow up questions, the examiners will follow a predetermined list of questions. They may cut you off if you are going over the time limit, so it’s important to be aware of the length of your answers. Choose quality over quantity! 

How long is the actual University of Queensland Interview?

The actual interview is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes, with each of the 8 MMI stations lasting about 9 minutes. 

How long does it take you to hear back after your University of Queensland Medicine Interview? 

Offers are usually received about 2 months after the interview. However, this may vary year to year so it’s a good idea to ask the examiners when you can expect to hear back at the end of your interview. 

Top Tips for the University of Queensland Medicine Interview – From a Current Student!

  • Arrive early to be on the safe side – if your interview is online, log on early to check any issues with connectivity, audio & video
  • Wear smart clothing, such as a buttoned up shirt, or even a suit jacket
  • Maintain confident body language and tone of voice
  • Don’t forget to enjoy the process of the interview – this will also make you a much more engaging candidate to speak to!
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